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Gilgit Baltistan

Ondra Fort of Gulmit  The Ondra Fort is a historic fort located in the village of Gulmit in the hunza valley of Gilgit Baltistan, Pakistan. Ondra Fort Gulmit dates back to the 16th century and is one of the oldest and most well-preserved fortresses in the region.   Ondra Fort Gulmit Location Located just a...
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Top 10 Travel and Tour Operators in Islamabad
Minapin Village : Hunza Introduction: Minapin Village is a beautiful and picturesque village in Hunza, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan. It is situated 3,000 meters above sea level at the northern side of Rakaposhi mountain. The village is home to approximately 150 families who live off the land and practice subsistence farming. Other sources of income for the villagers...
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Tour Planner Northern Areas of Pakistan
Introduction: There are many beautiful valleys in Gilgit Baltistan, including Hunza, Skardu, Astore, Ghizer, and many more. Each valley has its unique features and attractions, such as snow-capped mountains, glaciers, lakes, and rivers. Famous Views and Facts: “In the extreme north of Pakistan, near the Khan Corridors, lies a district that is relatively unknown to...
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Best Places to Visit in Gilgit Baltistan (2024) Gilgit Baltistan Tour is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Pakistan. Karakoram and Himalayan ranges are included in the tour.  In this Gilgit Baltistan Tour , you will visit the ancient Gilgit Baltistan region of Pakistan. In India, it is located between the Xinjiang province...
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