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Gilgit Baltistan

Sheosar Lake also called Shausar Lake, is the jewel of Deosai in Skardu Gilgit Baltistan region. It is towards Chillam Chowki, on the western far end of park, where you find this amazing natural attraction. Sheosar Lake means Blind Lake, as “Sheo” in Shina Language means “blind” and “Sar” means “Lake”.
Sheosar Lake Sheosar Lake also called Shausar Lake, is the jewel of Deosai in Skardu Gilgit Baltistan region. It is towards Chillam Chowki, on the western far end of park, where you find this amazing natural attraction. Sheosar Lake means Blind Lake, as “Sheo” in Shina Language means “blind” and “Sar” means “Lake”. Sheosar Lake...
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Naltar is just another beautiful pine-forested valley located in the Gilgit district. Naltar valley is one of the most beautiful places in Gilgit Baltistan located near Gilgit city. The valley is famous for its greenery, lakes and skiing resort. In winter Naltar valley receives heavy snowfall.
 Naltar Valley Naltar is just another beautiful pine-forested valley located in the Gilgit district. Naltar valley is one of the most beautiful places in Gilgit Baltistan located near Gilgit city. The valley is famous for its greenery, lakes and skiing resort. In winter Naltar valley receives heavy snowfall. There is a Ski resort in Naltar...
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It might be possible you didn’t hear about the Hushe Valley before, but there is a valley in Skardu where you lose your heart in the mountains and beautiful treks. It is an incredible place to visit in the heart of the Karakoram mountain range. Hushe Valley is also known as Vallée de Hushe
Hushe Valley : Gilgit Baltistan It might be possible you didn’t hear about the Hushe Valley before, but there is a valley in Skardu where you lose your heart in the mountains and beautiful treks. It is an incredible place to visit in the heart of the Karakoram mountain range. Hushe Valley is also known...
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Sost is a beautiful village as well as an attractive tourist destination in Gojal (Upper Hunza), Hunza District of Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan. It is located at a distance of 184 km from the main Gilgit city on Karakoram Highway before the China Border at Khunjerab Pass (the highest border crossing in the world).
Sost Border: Hunza Valley  Sost is a beautiful village as well as an attractive tourist destination in Gojal (Upper Hunza), Hunza District of Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan. It is located at a distance of 184 km from the main Gilgit city on Karakoram Highway before the China Border at Khunjerab Pass (the highest border crossing in the...
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 Hussaini Hanging Bridge  Hussaini Suspension Bridge Hussaini, Pakistan Known as the most dangerous bridge in the world, the Hussaini Hanging Bridge is only one of many precarious rope bridges in Northern Pakistan. In a world of commercial space flight and supersonic jet flight, it can be easy to forget just how hard it can be...
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Top 10 Travel and Tour Operators in Islamabad
Deosai National Park  Deosai National Park (Urdu: دیوسائی باغ ملی) is a high altitude alpine plain (plateau) and National Park located between Astore District and Skardu District in Gilgit Baltistan Pakistan Occupied Kashmir. Deosai Plains are situated at an average elevation of 4,114 metres (13,497 ft) above sea level and considered as the second highest plateaus in...
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K2 (also known as Chhogori/Qogir, Ketu/Kechu, and Mount Godwin-Austen) is the second-highest mountain on Earth, after Mount Everest.
K2: Gilgit Baltistan  K2 (also known as Chhogori/Qogir, Ketu/Kechu, and Mount Godwin-Austen) is the second-highest mountain on Earth, after Mount Everest. It is located on Pakistan administered. K2 is the highest point of the Karakoram Range and the highest point in Pakistan. K2 is known as the Savage Mountain due to the difficulty of ascent...
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Sost is a beautiful village as well as an attractive tourist destination in Gojal (Upper Hunza), Hunza District of Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan. It is located at a distance of 184 km from the main Gilgit city on Karakoram Highway before the China Border at Khunjerab Pass (the highest border crossing in the world).
Khaplu : Gilgit Baltistan Khaplu Valley, gateway to conspicuous peaks Khaplu Valley In a Glimpse Khaplu is the central point to explore some remarkable lakes, hiking trails, and gateway to which leads to Hushe Valley a several conspicuous peaks and glaciers. With its vibrant and fragrant fruit orchids, breathtaking views of streams, high rising mountains,...
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District Diamer is gateway to Gilgit-Balstan. The area manifests prehistoric traces of human species and advancement in the shape of rock
Diamer : Gilgit Baltistan District Diamer is gateway to Gilgit-Balstan. The area manifests prehistoric traces of human species and advancement in the shape of rock carvings, rock inscripons and petroglyphs etc. These features make Diamer district an important desnaon with over 35000 prehistoric inscripons and carvings. The biggest power generon project of the country, the...
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Tour Planner Northern Areas of Pakistan
Karimabad : Hunza Valley  Etymology Karimabad was named in honour of Karim Agha Khan, the current spiritual head of Shia Ismaili community, though locals often still refer to Karimabad by its older name Baltit. Geography Karimabad town, located on the west bank of the Hunza River, is in the Northern Areas of the Pakistan, in a...
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