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August 5, 2023
Sost is a beautiful village as well as an attractive tourist destination in Gojal (Upper Hunza), Hunza District of Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan. It is located at a distance of 184 km from the main Gilgit city on Karakoram Highway before the China Border at Khunjerab Pass (the highest border crossing in the world).
Khaplu : Gilgit Baltistan Khaplu Valley, gateway to conspicuous peaks Khaplu Valley In a Glimpse Khaplu is the central point to explore some remarkable lakes, hiking trails, and gateway to which leads to Hushe Valley a several conspicuous peaks and glaciers. With its vibrant and fragrant fruit orchids, breathtaking views of streams, high rising mountains,...
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District Diamer is gateway to Gilgit-Balstan. The area manifests prehistoric traces of human species and advancement in the shape of rock
Diamer : Gilgit Baltistan District Diamer is gateway to Gilgit-Balstan. The area manifests prehistoric traces of human species and advancement in the shape of rock carvings, rock inscripons and petroglyphs etc. These features make Diamer district an important desnaon with over 35000 prehistoric inscripons and carvings. The biggest power generon project of the country, the...
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