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Top 10 Travel and Tour Operators in Islamabad

Minapin Village : Hunza


Minapin Village is a beautiful and picturesque village in Hunza, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan. It is situated 3,000 meters above sea level at the northern side of Rakaposhi mountain. The village is home to approximately 150 families who live off the land and practice subsistence farming. Other sources of income for the villagers include small-scale carpentry, weaving, and selling handmade goods. Tourists come from around the world to visit this beautiful village, as it provides stunning views of Rakaposhi mountain, amazing hikes and trekking opportunities, and a chance to experience traditional local culture.

Minapin Village is a beautiful and picturesque village in Hunza, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan. It is situated 3,000 meters above sea level at the northern side of Rakaposhi mountain. The village is home to approximately 150 families who live off the land and practice subsistence farming

People of Minapin Village Hunza

The people of Minapin Village Hunza are mostly Ismaili Muslims, a branch of the Shia faith. The majority of the villagers are farmers and many practice subsistence farming, relying on the land for their livelihood. The village is renowned for its hospitality and friendliness and the locals are known for their hard work and dedication to their village. Many traditional crafts are still practiced in the village, including carpet weaving and woodworking. Locals also often sell handmade goods such as shawls, jewelry, and other souvenirs to visitors.

Activities at Minapin Village

Visitors to Minapin Village can experience the local culture and natural beauty by participating in various activities. Popular activities in the village include horse riding, trekking, and mountaineering. Visitors can also explore the area and take in the stunning views of Rakaposhi mountain from one of the many hiking trails in the area. Other popular activities in the village include photography, bird-watching, and local cultural events such as music and dance performances.

Best time to visit Minapin Village

The best time to visit Minapin Village is during the summer months, from June to August. During this time, the weather is pleasant and sunny, making it ideal for outdoor activities like trekking, mountaineering, and horse riding. It is also a great time to buy fresh fruits and vegetables from local vendors. Additionally, the village comes alive during the summer months as it is the peak season for festivals and cultural events, such as music and dance performances.

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