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Lady Finger

Why it is called by lady finger Peak?

Bublimotin, while having little unmistakable quality over the seat with close by Hunza Peak, is especially striking for being a sharp, generally snowless stone tower among snow tops. This, joined with its tallness over the valley, makes it very attractive; subsequently the particular name.


Bublimotin is a sharp, relatively snowless, rock spire among the nearby peaks, although it has little prominence above the saddle with nearby Hunza Peak. It provides a 6,000 metres (20,000 ft) rock climb (with a very serious alpine approach) and has been the scene of some notable paragliding.

Interesting Fact:

An interesting folk tale about the peak (Bubli mo Ting literally means ‘Bubli’s peak) is that Kisar, a (magical) prince from Baltistan, came to Hunza on one of his adventures and married a princess, a gas, called Bubli. When he received news that his first wife in Baltistan, Langabrumo, had been kidnapped (by a phut or a deu, one story says, but according to Lorimer’s book it is a king from another country), he immediately made preparations to set off and rescue her. He took Bubli up to this mountain, (later named after her), and handed her a sack of grain as well as a hen or chicken (a qarqamuts). She must have asked whether – and when – he would be back and he told her: “Every year give this chicken a single grain to eat. When the sack is empty, I will return. Until that time, stay here.” He left, and, they say, Bubli is waiting there still.

famous facts :

One famous thing about Ladyfinger Peak is its distinctive shape, which resembles a finger pointing towards the sky. The peak is approximately 6,000 meters tall and is a popular destination for climbers and hikers. The peak is also known for its challenging climbing routes, and many experienced mountaineers travel to the area to attempt to climb the peak. Additionally, the peak is surrounded by several other beautiful mountains, including Ultar Sar, Hunza Peak, and Rakaposhi, which offer stunning views of the surrounding landscape

Another famous thing about Ladyfinger Peak is that it’s considered one of the most beautiful mountains in the world. The peak is known for its steep, rocky cliffs, which are covered in snow and ice for much of the year. The area around the peak is also home to several small villages, which offer visitors a glimpse into the local culture and way of life. Additionally, the Hunza Valley is known for its delicious food, including traditional dishes like chapshuro, a type of meat-filled pastry, and gilgit bread, a type of flatbread that’s baked in a clay oven.


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