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Attabad Lake

All you need to know before you go;

Length: 20.9 km
Max. depth: 109 m (358 ft)
Location: Attabad, Gilgit−Baltistan, Pakistan
Water volume: 410,000,000 m3 (330,000 acre⋅ft)

Famous Things:

Attabad Lake is known for the stunning blue color of its water during the summer, which is the reason people come here to enjoy it. As the glaciers surrounding the lake meltwater, slits are formed in the water to allow it to reach the lake. Attabad Lake is best visited during the summer when the lake is serene.

we are providing all these types of beautiful and luxurious tours all over Pakistan.

Other informative things:

The lake was formed in 2010 as the result of a massive landslide that dammed the Hunza River. It’s a popular tourist destination and offers breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and crystal-clear water.

Attabad Lake is approximately 13 miles long and has a maximum depth of 358 feet. The lake is surrounded by towering mountains and is a popular spot for boating, fishing, and hiking. The water in the lake is a bright turquoise color due to the high concentration of minerals in the water. There are several small villages located along the shore of the lake, and visitors can take boat tours to explore the area.

Famous facts:

One interesting fact about Attabad Lake is that a submerged town lies at the bottom of the lake. When the lake was formed, several villages were submerged, and the residents were forced to relocate to other areas. Additionally, the lake is home to a variety of fish, including trout and carp, and is a popular spot for fishing enthusiasts.

Another interesting fact about Attabad Lake is that it’s known for its strong winds, which can create waves that are several feet high. The winds can make boating on the lake challenging at times, but they also make the lake a popular spot for windsurfing and other water sports. Additionally, the lake is surrounded by several glaciers, including the Passu Glacier and the Batura Glacier, which are popular spots for hiking and trekking.

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